Obligation to register workers’

Since last May 12, the Labor Inspectorate began to be required to have a registry of entries and exits of workers. The classic time clock.

Since its approval, 2 months ago, there have been contradictory information, changes of opinion, and above all a lot of confusion even among those of us who have been dedicated to this for almost 20 years. Let’s try to shed some light on what seems to be clear:

Who is obliged to sign?

All employed workers, except those of SENIOR MANAGEMENT and SELF-EMPLOYED. This means that factory workers, installation technicians, intermediate, commercial positions, etc. have to sign in, whether they are working within the workplace, make visits to clients, making deliveries and even those who work from home all or part of the day. EVERYBODY.

Is there 2 months to adapt?

Yes, there have already been. It was approved on March 12 and the adaptation period expired on May 12, 2019. There has been information that said that they had given 2 more months, but they referred to the previous ones. What they have said in this last week is that It would not be sanctioned from day one, but it would begin to warn companies (in fact we have received information that they are already demanding it), unless there is evidence of fraud. It has also been reported from the Ministry of Labor and Industry that they would give a reasonable term to companies that They prove that they are negotiating with the workers the implantation of the system. In case of not having a record of the workers’ day the penalty can reach € 6,250. Our systems are much cheaper .

What systems are valid?

The norm says that it must be a system that cannot be manipulated or falsifiable , and that is available to the workers or the Labor Inspectorate immediately for 4 years. This record must be accessible in the same work center, not allowing it to be stored in the central offices to avoid its possible manipulation in the interval between the request and the delivery.

I don’t have any control system, what should I do?

As soon as possible, contact a company specialized in these systems as soon as possible. At QUALICA-RD we are at your disposal to offer you the system that best suits your needs.

What is our added value?

At present, and taking advantage of the present demand, companies that have never worked them have begun to market time clocks. They are even selling equipment that does not even have a CE mark (they cannot be marketed in Europe), and that do not comply with current security measures, for example, in matters of fires, in most cases.

Qualica-RD, is a highly specialized company. We have been working with time control equipment for years, we know the product and the software. We care that both hardware and software are of quality, comply with current regulations and most important of all: we support the full system. Our task is not limited to delivering a product; our goal is that our clients feel comfortable knowing that have the support of professionals in the sector with systems that They comply with the GDPR.

Our recommendation: Don’t wait any longer. All, absolutely all the companies in the sector are being overwhelmed by the current demand, even having stock problems. The most comfortable way to receive information is through our contact form or by sending an email info@qualicard.eu indicating:

  • Company name
  • Total workers
  • Population
  • Contact person, phone and email
  • Do you just want to comply with the new standard or do you also want to have more control over the effective hours of work? See our software comparison .

For any questions we will also assist you at 957326107 . Keep in mind that although we do everything possible, the high demand for these systems prevents us from answering all calls, so the best way is to email or contact the form indicating your needs. Thanks.

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